e-science-service » Metadata and accessibility
Metadata and accessibility
To search, find and identify research data and make it available to others for reuse requires making primary data accesible through metadata. The description of the data must be standardized for this.
A comprehensive overview of interdisciplinary and subject-specific metadata standards has been compiled by the British Digital Curation Center (DCC). The DCC’s tools list also entails software tools that help you capture and store your data in compliance with metadata standards.
Currently, frequently used metadata formats for the major disciplines are exemplary:
- Humanities: Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- Science / Medicine: ICAT Schema, Darwin Core, Genome Metadata
- Social and Economic Sciences: Digital Documentation Initiative (DDI)
Text weitgehend von der HHU Düsseldorf übernommen.
Aktualisiert um 11:43 am 15. März 2019 von g030943